Monday, March 25, 2013

Jardim Ype Day One

I suppose it should be Jardim Ypê day one :)

Today I was transfered to Jardim Ypê which is part of São José dos Pinhais, a suburb on the side of Curitiba. It looks like a great area. My new companion is Elder Yesquer from Peru and we are going to do some great work here! (But `eu tenho muitos saudades de Colombo`)

This past week we had the baptism of Gregorio, and completed a family. They are now starting to prepare to go to the temple and be sealed together as a family for eternity. His children were thrilled! This Sunday, Sueli was not baptized, nor Gabriele, but they will be in the following weeks.

I got to see Elder Trevisanut at the transfer meeting today. He is doing quite well despite having a difficult companion for the past 5 weeks. Elder T. really is an excellent missionary. I have muitos saudades dele. 

Well instead of writing more, I´ll send a picture from the baptism yesterday!


Elder House

Colombo Semana 16

Well this was your pretty run of the mill missionary week... But with splits almost everyday. I spent more time with other people than with Elder Rocha. They went well but it took a lot of time (and money) out of the week.

This coming week, it looks like we´ll have two people ready for baptism. Gregorio is the last person in his family (wife and children already members) and they are very excited. This week they are going to visit the temple and this weekend will be his baptism. He is very excited, but his children are thrilled! The other is Gabriele but she may or may not be in town this week. She is 13 and very ready to make baptismal covenants. She actually lives a little ways away, but she comes to visit her brother often, and will be baptised the next time she is in town.

Things going well in Colombo!


Elder House

Monday, March 4, 2013

Colombo Semana 15

So this week was exciting!

Dirceu took a line from Amy Winehouse and said "no, no, no" to rehab (he ran away from rehab, almost 45 km!! I love that crazy dude... But he is going to try again in a better facility, that actually has doctors and beds and security), we slaughtered ducks for Sister Cida, a recent convert named Everson's little sister wants to be baptized muito, and we are teaching a big group of Hatian drug dealers... #Colombo

I actually don't think the Hatians are drug dealers but a few of them have false names which raised an eybrow... Brasil accepted many refugees after the earthquake and they are working and studying here... Only problem is they don't speak much Portuguese, so we are talking in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, but teaching using videos in French... I could really use a couple copies of The Book of Mormon in French and or Hatian, but ther don't have them available in Brasil.


Elder House