Monday, February 25, 2013

Colombo Semana 14

"Just Come to Church!" If you can name that quote, you're probably a recently returned missionary...

But that's a bit how we're feeling at this point :) Yesterday we had tons of families who committed to come to church with us, and we made varius appointments to meet up with people before heading off to church... But NONE of the families were at home at the appointed times. Not one... But it was really nice to see two less active families at church. And the Confirmation of Rosari went lovely.

Elder Rocha is a great elder and I will learn much from him. I'm just a tad concerned at his "I follow the Spirit, not rules" approach, but it will be good have a companion who is really trying to improve the work here. He came from a very small area with lots of members, so this is going to be a bit of an ajustment here :) He's still running at a Curitiba pace in his conversation, and people here are often caught a bit off guard... The people of Colombo move at a slightly different pace. Elder Rocha is a fantastic pianist, so yesterday for church, he played piano while I sang, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." About half the branch was crying by the end, so we counted as a success ;) (Yes they really were crying... from joy or pain, who can say?)

We are working with so many families here who aren't married. It is so strange to be in a culture where legal marriage almost doesn't happen anymore... You just kind of start living together and have a kid, and that's what it means to be married. Quite odd. Just get married first... Rarely seems to work out well any other way.

In other news, we have a hot shower. I finally bought a new piece to replace in our shower, and Elder Rocha was the first elder in quite some time to take a hot shower in the house in Colombo. But "Eu tenho saudades, só um poco, de nosso cachoeira"


Elder House

p.s. They are gonna divide the mission in July... Curitiba and Curitiba South!! Don't know which I'll be a part of...

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