Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Agua Verde Semana 24

Well we had baptism and general conference on saturday, so preparation day went out the window... President had mercy and gave us time today to clean house and write email.

We had the unforgettable baptisms of Leandro and Alieete. Brother Fabiano Testa of our ward performed the baptisms (because we needed someone really tall and strong to baptize Leandro). And it was good we asked him, cause Leandro has fear of water! We had to repeat the baptism 7 times until finally it worked out without a leg shooting up, or hair sticking out, or his hands slipping, or something of the sort. After the fifth try, the bishop threw off his suit coat and I grabbed a white jumpsuit for him, which he quickly dressed and entered the water as well to help out. On the 7th try it went smoothly. Leandro was little bit "com vergonha" so we made a few Naaman jokes and he was okay.

General Conference was fantastic as usual and on saturday I´ll write a few of my thoughts about what I learned.

On Tuesday we´ll have another mini-transfer with 6 gringas arriving from the MTC in São Paulo. They had been serving in other missions in the US but returned to MTC for 2 weeks for a intense Portuguese refresher. So we´ll going crazy preparing everything for yet another transfer and 6 more people that I´ll have to take the Federal Police station in two weeks. But someone´s got to do it right?

Hope that all is well at home and that everyone watched conference.


Elder House

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